International Open University

> Student Testimonials

Abdul Malik Khan

May Allah be pleased with you all.

Maryam Usman



Licence at languages and translation.

Mohammad Saleem Dar

Asalamealiekum dear Muslim brothers and sisters, I am Mohammad Saleem Dar, a researcher from Kashmir. I came to know about IOU couple of days back, and found this a very good achievement from Dr.Bilal Philips and his team. I think it will overall benefit mankind especially the Muslims. We should have a look daily to IOU.

Abdurehim Kemal Hessan

I advise every Muslim to join to this university


Bismillahi Rahmanirrahim, This is great idea for Islamic Education in future.

Aftab Sultana

Assalam Alikum, Mashallah, its great opportunity to have such a great source to learn alot about Islam with such an easiest way & can pursue a degree also (more words doesn’t exist to express) May Allah accept worship of all IOU team members & may Allah reward then with Jannah .. Ameen

Mikail Abdul Roheem

Alhamdullilah, I am very happy to be in this great University. I can say, this University is established for the sake someone like me because I am from a less privileged family who could not afford to send their children to higher institution. May Allah assist the Dean and those who put their efforts for the success of the University.

Ishak Ibn Hussaini

I would like to extend my thanks to the founder of islamic online university.This is a great opportunity to the muslim ummah,especially we muslim in Africa.And may Allah reward you.

Ummu Eimann

Assalamu Alaykum I'm one of many overseas workers who don't have much opportunity to seek knowledge, I only read books and watch Islamic channels but for me it was not enough, but Alhamdulillah one of my friend informed me about IOU, its really a great help for us. Jazakumullahu khayran


Alhamdulillah all praise is to Allah who has guided us to benefit from Islamic Online University, I have learned alot, and each day am learning a new things in my deen. May Allah guide us and make it easy for us on the path of knowledge.

Yamen Ahmed.s

It's really a great achievement from Dr.Bilal Philips and his team. All muslim community will Insha Allaah benefit from the BAIS program Insha Allaah. May Allaah accept this sacrifice from Dr. Bilal Philips. Ameen. Jazaakumullah khayran